At this point, you are either managing a "job" or a "career" and that depends upon how you look at it and not on what you have gotten yourself into. If your organization values its employees and effort, you owe it to yourself and to the team to make a difference. Your capability and efforts will be noticed and you will spearhead. It might take a little while and some extra maneuvering but it will be worth the personal satisfaction. Don’t run away. Finish what you started, unless there is nowhere to go. On the other hand, if you are surely in a dead-end situation, you do need to turn around, but not before talking with every person who can change things for you within the organization. The real question is: Are you in the right organization? The question of the particular job is quite irrelevant then.
You are in the rigth spot if you can engage your full set of capabilities and experiences to produce results for a team that values results. Reach out at all levels in the organization for the benefit of the firm.
The most important question is: Is my firm flexible and adaptive ?